About Me

Pieter Roose

Pieter Roose started studying art in 1995 the foundations of graphic arts, photography, sculpture, scenography, and interior design. Then he began his artistic career in Belgium in the late nineties, painting murals with air brush and spray paint, experimenting with window dressing and interior design.

At the same time, he was exploring rap music writting his first lyrics and was beign introduced to the electronic music scene of house & techno playing as a DJ on private party’s and some lounge bars in Belgium.

At the age of 19 he left his country to give more expression to his deep desire of traveling and explore further his pasion of creating and painting. This was a medium for him to discover more about himself, find peace and communicate his feelings with the world.

+ In the years 2002-2003 while he was travelling through Portugal and Spain he came to settle in Barcelona. Living in the neighbourhood of Gracia, he began to exhibit in different places. At the same time, he began to sell a large number of reproductions of his work.

+ In 2010 he was recognised by the graphic design studio «Gloria Jover» (www.estudiogloriajover.com), where he collaborated and worked on a print design project for T-shirts for one year.

+ Between 2010 and 2021, apart from exhibiting in Spain, he was also active in Belgium and Denmark.

+ In 2011 he collaborated for 3 years, permanently with the «Hindhede» gallery in Denmark.

+ In 2013 he moved to the province of Teruel in Spain, where since then he has been active in his own workshop-gallery, and simultaneously organising exhibitions, artistic workshops and cultural events in rural areas, in Aragon and Catalonia. 

On the other hand Pieter Roose, since 2013, progressively started to be more active again as a DJ, beatboxer and rap artist.

At the present moment he has been able to find a balance in expressing his passion for visual art, spirituality, music and healing.

My paitings

Visual Art

My music

Musical Expresion

Whant to know more?

If you need more information about my art, collaborations or a paint availability, just contact me and I will be pleased to contact you back.